
3D scaffolds cellularizzati con cellule vascolari umane per coltura complessa e maturazione in bioreattore: le applicazioni in medicina rigenerativa ed oltre



3D scaffolds cellularised with human vascular cells for complex culture and maturation in bioreactors:
applications in regenerative medicine and beyond


Prof. Diego Mantovani

Lab for Biomaterials and Bioengineering,
Canada Research Chair Tier I for the Innovation in Surgery
Dept of Min-Met-Materials Engineering & CHU de Québec Research Center Laval University, Québec City, Canada


Negli ultimi 50 anni, i biomateriali, le protesi e gli impianti hanno salvato e prolungato la vita di milioni di esseri umani in tutto il mondo.Oggi, la nanotecnologia, i nanomateriali e le modifiche di superficie forniscono una nuova visione dell’utilizzo dei biomateriali permettendoci di prevedere le strategie per risolvere la futura carenza di organi. Pertanto, la possibilità di miscelare cellule di origine vascolare con materiali a base di collagene consente di fornire oggi le soluzioni future per la medicina rigenerativa. Le co-culture 3D composte di materiali / cellule / ambiente appropriati rappresentano un punto fermo nella medicina rigenerativa anche se per spingere l’innovazione in questo campo di ricerca sarà necessario sviluppare ulteriori strategie.


Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Biomaterials and Bioengineering for the Innovation in Surgery, professor at the Department of Materials Engineering at Laval University, adjunct director at the Division of Regenerative Medicine of the Research Center of the CHU de Québec, Diego Mantovani is a recognised specialist in biomaterials. At the frontier between engineering, medicine and biology, within his team, their works aim to improve the clinical performances of medical devices for functional replacement, and to envisage the next generations of biomaterials to develop artificial organs enhancing the quality of the life of patients. Prof. Mantovani has authored more than 200 original articles, holds 4 patents, and presented more than 120 keynotes, invited and seminar lectures worldwide in the field of advanced materials for biomedical applications.Prof. Mantovani’s H-Factor is 35 (July 2016) and his works received more than 4300 citations. In 2012, he was nominated Fellow of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science & Engineering (FBSE) for his leadership and contribution to biomaterials for medical devices. He is advisor of some medical devices consortium in the Americas, Asia and Europe.