Research and nanomedicine – 8th edition


Research and nanomedicine




Prof.ssa Livia Visai
Molecular Medicine Department, University of Pavia
Prof. Piersandro Pallavicini
CHemistry Department, University of Pavia

Description Program University education Credits Venue Register Now

Course Description:Download the Leaflet in PDF

The eighth edition of the “Research and Nanomedicine” workshop will take place both in person and remotely (see leaflet) in English. The remote link will be communicated close to the workshop, on Thursday 13 June 2024.

The workshop will take place on Thursday 13 June 2024 at the Department of Chemistry in Pavia (Viale Taramelli 12) and will be divided into 2 sessions:
Nano-therapeutics and Nano-diagnostics scheduled in the morning; Regenerative Medicine in the afternoon.

In order to promote knowledge and meetings between the various groups that carry out research in the area of nanomedicine and the 3Rs, but also with a view to activating collaborations, synergies and participation in future projects, only the Ph.D students are invited to present their studies during the workshop.

To participate as a speaker, simply send the title (in English), the nominative of the speaker, the affiliation, the year of the Ph.D and the preference for the topic to both of the following e-mail addresses:

no later than 30 April 2024.

Please insert in the object of the email: Participation as speaker at the “Research and Nanomedicine” Workshop 2024

The registration link is shown in the leaflet: Leaflet Workshop on Nanomedicine 2023

We also remind you that the certificates of participation will be issued both to the speakers and to the participants with the recognition of CFU.

With our best regards,

Livia Visai e Piersandro Pallavicini

Workshop schedule:Still to be determined

Learning Credits:

2 CFUs are available for PhD Candidates from the doctoral programs in Science and Technology and Life Sciences Macro-Areas as well as IUSS’ PhD Program in Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology.


This is a Mixed-mode Workshop: it will be possible to attend in person, at the Main Lecture Hall of the Institute for General Chemistry – via Torquato Taramelli 12, Pavia , or remotely, via Youtube.

